SETAᴾᴴᵀ works on water treatment plant for CCC San Luis Potosí, México

planta de tratamiento de agua CCC San Luis Potosi

SETAᴾᴴᵀ is working on the construction of a water treatment plant for the San Luis de Potosí Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCC San Luis Potosí), which will be located in the municipality of Villa de Reyes, in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, and is scheduled to open in March 2024.

This combined cycle power plant, which is part of a set of projects called ‘Short-term priority generation projects’ by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), aims to expand the capacity of the national electricity system and meet the energy demand forecast for the coming years. Thus, its contribution is expected to be approximately 800 MW at 100% load.

As for the work of SETAᴾᴴᵀ, the scope of this project includes the design (basic and detailed engineering), choice of materials, manufacture, supply, inspections, workshop tests, painting, packaging, labelling, transport, supervision, commissioning and all the documentation necessary for the legalisation of the treatment plant with a flow rate of 2×432 M3/D.

The plant will have the following package units:

  • Raw Water Pretreatment Unit.
  • Demineralised Water Generation Unit.
  • Drinking Water Unit.
  • Industrial Effluent Neutralisation Dosing Units.

In turn, the system will be composed of the following treatment line:

  • Multimedia Filtration.
  • Ultrafiltration.
  • Reverse Osmosis System 1 Step.
  • Drinking water treatment .
  • Reverse Osmosis System 2 Step.
  • Electrodeionisation

The whole installation will be manufactured in packaged units in the SETAᴾᴴᵀ factory located in Huelva (Spain) where the corresponding inspections and tests will be carried out and then transferred to its final location for assembly and commissioning by the company’s specialised personnel.

The participation in this project reinforces the presence of SETAᴾᴴᵀ in the Mexican market, where it already has other works awarded such as the supply of another water treatment plant also destined for a combined cycle power plant. Specifically the CCC El Sauz II, located in the state of Querétaro.
