SETAᴾᴴᵀ concludes the execution of a containerised ultrafiltration plant for the Canary Islands Institute of Technology

The project consisted of the supply, installation and commissioning of an ultrafiltration system for decontamination and safety output-verted within the framework of the BIOSOST-EPI project.

planta de ultrafiltración en contenedor

SETAᴾᴴᵀ has delivered a containerised ultrafiltration plant to the Canary Islands Institute of Technology, a public company attached to the Government of the Canary Islands dedicated to innovation and technology transfer in strategic sectors for the region.

The Institute, whose R&D Division promotes projects for the creation, development and internationalization of SMEs and technology-based companies, has required an ultrafiltration line for seawater as part of the BIOSOST-EPI project, aimed for developing Blue Biotechnology in the Canary Islands.

The ITC has entrusted SETAᴾᴴᵀ with the technological challenge of producing high-purity water by means of ultrafiltration, a revolutionary membrane separation process that mechanically removes suspended or dissolved solids through a sieve using hydrostatic pressure.

Containerised ultrafiltration plant

  • The ultrafiltration plant ordered by the ITC, with a capacity of 20m3/h, had the following technical specifications:
  • Pre-treatment by ring filtration.
  • Ultrafiltration unit.
  • Cleaning system consisting of an ultrafiltration tank, which serves as a CIP and CEB tank.
  • Installation of conductivity, pH and ORP sensors at the UF outlet.
  • Power and control panel prepared to supply and control the equipment making up the filtration line.
  • Inlet pressure to the unit of 4~6 bar.

The equipment has been installed on a compact, self-transportable frame made of stainless steel, which in turn has been installed in a 40-foot container, duly fitted out to function as an operating hut, equipped with upper, intermediate and lower openings for natural air circulation.

The Canary Islands Institute of Technology has therefore had numerous advantages. Not only in terms of the limited number of works (only the base of the container), but also by combining other advantages of containerised plants such as rapid implementation with the benefits of innovative ultrafiltration systems.
