SETAᴾᴴᵀ works on the manufacture of a reverse osmosis plant for the food industry

The project will consist of the supply, installation and commissioning of a reverse osmosis water treatment plant for a flow rate of 9 m3/h.

planta de ósmosis inversa para una empresa del sector alimenticio

The food industry sector is characterized by the use of this type of reverse osmosis plants in many processes, especially for the treatment of various perishable products.

In this context, SETAᴾᴴᵀ  has started to manufacture a treatment plant with a capacity of 9 m3/h for a major company in the food industry.

The water to be treated in this plant, of high salinity, comes from three wells located on the customer’s premises. From these wells, the water is pumped to a storage tank from where it is directed to the different processes.

Reverse osmosis plants remove salts and other impurities present in the water, guaranteeing healthy and safe water, which has a direct and positive impact on the quality of food products.

This is how food production companies comply with the strict decontamination standards and specifications of the sector.

Water treatment in the food industry

The reverse osmosis water treatment plant will be composed of a pre-treatment system, which is essential for the correct operation of the system, and reverse osmosis desalination. It consists of:

  • Dosage of the chemicals necessary for correct operation.
  • Multimedia filter with zeolite.
  • Microfiltration at 5 µm level.
  • High pressure pump.
  • Reverse osmosis system.
  • Displacement and CIP system.
  • Instrumentation and control panel.

This equipment will be supplied fully assembled on a compact self-transportable frame and will be equipped with everything necessary to provide high quality water, requiring very little space and with fully optimized investment and operating costs.
